My little helper while working on Project Linus Stuff! Top picture is when she jumped up on the couch while I quickly sat down for a rest and the bottom pic is Miss Grace saying this is dog bed approved!
So yesturday at SSS I was looking over this pattern I was starting to make looked at and said ok I need 8 half square triangles of this color combo and I need 9 of this combo and 16 of this combo! So I went to town making them. Well this morning while tearing the paper off them I realized thats how many blocks of that color combos there were I needed to have then times it by 4! So here I was thinking I was all ready to begin and I still needed a million more of each color!
Hi Katy... What a lovely picture of Grace... She looks so coumfy... I am sure you will get the quilt all together... Read twice than cut once..LOL :)